About me.

I care about a lot of different things, like science, education, and my community. I’m also an amateur artist and athlete. Learn more about me by exploring the links below!

caitlin a la microscope.jpg


I am a postdoctoral research associate in the lab of Dr. Meaghan Creed in the Department of Anesthesiology at Washington University in St. Louis. I’m interested in how drugs and disorders change brains, especially in chronic pain and addiction.

Learn more about my past research, current projects, and future ideas here!



In my most recent teaching engagement, I was a lecturer for an introductory undergraduate human physiology course at the University of Wisconsin. Supported by the Wisconsin Collaboratory for Enchanced Learning (WisCEL), our team used an active learning approach to physiology education in a cutting-edge instructional space.

Learn more about the course and my teaching philosophy here!



I work with local schools and organizations in a variety of capacities as a coach, scientist, and mentor. My values transcend the boundaries of my personal and professional engagements, and community involvement is an important way I express them.

Learn more about my commitment to outreach here!


For Fun

In my free time, I enjoy watercolor, playing piano or guitar, and playing ultimate frisbee. My creative outlets are mostly for me, but I love sharing them with other people.


Who am I?

A long time ago, a friend asked me if I had any life mottos. I hadn’t thought of it that way before, but I realized that I do live by a set of mantras. It’s a silly exercise, but my life mottos are quite representative of who I am so it made sense to include them here!